Slippery Snippets
Thursday, December 21, 2006
  HOWTO: Try out the latest version of SnippetsEmu After teasing you all with the great new things available in the TextMate branch it was pointed out that maybe it wasn't entirely obvious how to go about trying it out for yourself.

What follows is a description of my current set up. It works for me and works well but YMMV, IANAL, ROFL, WYSIWYG.

Firstly, remove (or backup to elsewhere) your current snippetsEmu installation. This will mean moving the plugin itself (in 'plugin'), the documentation (in 'doc') and the bundles (in 'after/ftplugin').

Download an install Subversion. Check that you can get this working on your appropriate command line.

Create a directory outside of your current Vim installation. This is just to ensure we don't break anything by accident.

Checkout the latest version of the TextMate branch:

svn checkout Your_new_directory

Open up your vimrc and add in the new directories:

set runtimepath+=/path/to/my_new_directory
set runtimepath+=/path/to/my_new_directory/after

Note that you need to add the 'after' directory or the bundles won't get picked up.

That's it. Restart Vim and everything should work.

Make sure you submit any bugs you find! 

works the :D seletion not in the cli-vim? I try to use the new version to edit css and need to select the possible values.
I've installed this with cvs. I've added the runtimepath. When I press TAB an error occurs in function <SNR>20_Jumper: verse 111: E55: unpaired \)

What can I do?
Try changing the plugin file's encoding to UTF-8.

See the issue on the tracker:
I've set start and end tags and it works :)
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中文教學 :)
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