Slippery Snippets
Monday, August 14, 2006
  0.5.5. Released. 0.5.5 is out. All the bugs mentioned in the last post have been fixed (fingers crossed).

The whole plugin is now a lot more buffer specific and should handle a lot better.

If there are any more bugs (new or old) then post them here (or email me).
Unfortunately I get this error when starting vim:

Fehler beim Ausführen von "/usr/share/vim/vim64/plugin/snippetEmu0.5.5.vim":
Zeile 298:
E193: :endfunction außerhalb einer Funktion
Zeile 342:
E580: :endif ohne :if: endif
Zeile 343:
E581: :else ohne :if: else
Zeile 353:
E580: :endif ohne :if: endif
Zeile 354:
E581: :else ohne :if: else
Zeile 372:
E492: Kein Editor-Befehl: for i in range(strlen(snip_start_tag))
Zeile 377:
E580: :endif ohne :if: endif
Zeile 378:
E193: :endfunction außerhalb einer Funktion
Hi Fladd. Sorry to say that this version of snippetsEmu requires Vim 7.0. I think I've had a similar error when running it on an older version. I'll try and get a VM image up with an older version so I confirm that.
As this is the bug thread for 0.5.5 I'll post my current list here:

TODO Escape strings for matching in replacements
Special characters in commands or tag names can cause problems when replacing. Infinite loops are very likely.

TODO Default value function doesn't work for named tags
Having a named tag will fill @z which in turn will cause the default function to fail. One possible fix will be to remove the possibility for tag names to act as default values. This may annoy, whoever.
Hi nfowar. Thanks for the bug report and thanks for tracking the bug down. I'll make sure that it's fixed in the next release.

Sorry for the slow response; emails will next you a speedier reply if you have any more troubles.

Fingers crossed there aren't any more though :-)
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